“Wintering” How to honor our inner winter this year
Dunton Hot Springs in Colorado
If you have been around me enough you will realize that cycle syncing is one of my favorite things to talk about. It is something that is totally free that I am SO passionate about every woman knowing how to use because it changed my life and I know it can change yours too!
For those that have heard me talk about it feel free to skip ahead - but for the newbies or those wanting a refresh on what cycle syncing is here is a brief overview of the magic within you as a woman.
All of us as women have a cycle - yes you guessed it your “period” is a part of the cycle but did you know it is not the whole cycle? As women we work not just on a circadian rhythm but we also work on the infradian rhythm as well which is about a 28 a day cycle (think Lunar cycle) vs. males who run on strictly the circadian rhythms (24 hour cycle like the sun). This means that our hormones (which by the way help to regulate and keep all of the functions in your body going- they affect everything from your mood to your emotions, your energy levels, and so many more dire functions that your body needs to keep going) reset every 28 days not every 24 hours.
During that 28 day cycle - we go through 4 phases - Menstrual phase (aka your period // new moon energy), Follicular phase, Ovulatory phase ( Full Moon Energy ps this is the only time you can get pregnant throughout the month is around this time - look up ancient fertility dances and you will see why they worked around the full moon because women can sync with the full moon it is WILD) and the Luteal phase. I like to correlate each of these phases with a season (Menstrual = Winter, Follicular = Spring, Ovulatory = Summer, Luteal = Fall). You can regulate your hormones, energy, productivity etc. by cycle syncing things like your nutrition, your workouts and even daily activities and work to help regulate and optimize your energy levels and how you can work best! Isn’t that magical?! When you regulate your hormones and start to get into touch with your mind body connection you can shift into working less but being far more productive and even being more creative & intuitive.
Right now we are in the phase of Fall (Luteal Energy) which means that if we look at nature and follow her lead, this is a time of letting go of the things that no longer serve us. Going inward and preparing for hibernation and rest. We need to go through cycles of growth, letting go, death and rebirth in order to continue to thrive. We cannot keep going full speed ahead without these cycles or we will crash. Coming from someone that has suffered from adrenal fatigue let me tell you it is way better to rest and reset before your body makes you take a rest
I read a study the other day that showed an experiment that a group did on some trees by injecting them with adrenaline to continue to grow which stopped the cycle of fall & winter and kept the trees in a growth mode all year round. These trees typically have a life span of 30 + years. Each of the trees that were injected with adrenaline died within one year because the couldn’t sustain the constant growth.
You, like the trees especially as a woman, need to take the time to rest yearly in accordance with the seasons but also monthly in order to keep going. If you don’t make time for your rest while you are well, you will be forced to make time for your body to heal from sickness.
As a part of my programs I help my clients manage their work days, work weeks and months in accordance with their cycle (or the moon cycle if they have an irregular or no cycle because YES cycle syncing still is. a necessary part of your life even poet menopause - it is in our nature) because this helps to give a structure that is personal to you and your energy and it helps you to be sustainable and grow. I also help to create an annual calendar for launching programs, goals, projects, workshops etc. in alignment with the natural cycles of the moon and the seasons because when you look at the collective energy you can predict buying patterns and best times to connect with others to support them based on their needs.
In society we are taught a lot of things if we are honest that bring us further away from our intuition and our natural cycles. We are taught to work on a 9-5 schedule as women and trained to do so from the time we are in elementary school. We are taught to work through the times when our body tells us to stop and pause because “it is what we need to do just push through”. As women entrepreneurs I believe that we were called to a higher level in order to help raise the vibration around the world and to do that we need to be deeply in tune with our own cycles.
Winter is maybe the most important time because it is setting the foundation within to be able to expand. Globally we force ourselves to keep going and to push through any feelings we have or needs to rest to get through the holidays, to travel to see family and friends to fight the urge to rest and go to all the holiday parties. Then we may rest for a few days before diving head first into the New Year with a list of New Years Resolutions that have us chasing our goals before we have a chance to reset and look internally to see what our bodies really need.
But what if this year was different? What if you took the time this January to pause and rest. TO go within and reconnect to your inner natural state of calm, joy and peace? What if you connected with nature and recharged yourself? How would your world be different this year?
I challenge you to do just that. Cut back on the holiday plans, focus on what truly matters. And start the new year without the pressure of trying to perform but rather focused on how to just BE. If you are looking for the perfect place to reconnect surrounded by women that are like minded and on the same journey - check out my Rewild & Rise retreat taking place January 10- 13th in Dunton Hot Springs in Colorado! We will focus on just that - Come winter with me in celebration of my 30th birthday!
Hope to see you there!